Volunteering Guide

The Volunteering dashboard gives you a comprehensive view of key information in the performance of your volunteering module and has three main sections to i...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 1:45 PM
All the students that have ever registered via your volunteering module can be viewed on this page. On selecting the 'volunteering profile' ico...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 1:50 PM
Organisations/ Projects
Manage organisations/projects This page will give you a breakdown on all those organisations that have ever registered with you. On the far right acti...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 1:52 PM
Within this area you are able to generate numerous reports from your volunteering module. In the drop down menu you will be able to see your choice o...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 1:55 PM
Organisation Upload
This is where you can upload organisations easily in a bulk upload through a CSV file. On this page you are provided with a CSV template in which you can...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 1:59 PM
You can create awards for volunteers to achieve through their work, easily.  You set the criteria, and once it is met for a certain award they will auto...
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 2:02 PM
Webinar: Volunteering Module
Mon, 27 Jan, 2020 at 2:05 PM