Union Campaigns

The Campaigns page is divided into two sections Union Pending Campaigns and Union Past Campaigns

Union CampaignsUnion Pending Campaigns

This section will list all campaigns that have been designed by a union, and completed, but not sent out, some unions will plan campaigns months in advance, or for the whole year ahead for example, and just leave them here, ready to be sent at particular dates / times, others will use this section to store templates for fortnightly emails.

Union Past Campaigns

On this screen you can see all previous campaigns run by the Union, under the Campaign Manager tool, it displays fairly basic information on the surface though this can be expanded upon, it shows you; The Name of the Campaign, The Type of Campaign, the Purpose, The Number of Recipients, link (appearing as an open envelope) to view the content, the date sent, it's status, the address it was sent from, and some options to View, Delete, Show Statistics, or Copy.

Union Campaigns

The Show statistics option brings up a small overlay giving yo the following information

  • Number of emails sent:
  • Number of emails delivered: (and %)
  • Number of emails opened: (and %)
  • Number of click-throughs in email (and %)
  • Number of emails bounced (and %)

Show, trash, stats, copy