When you first load the image Editor, by default it takes you to the 'Tree View', but you can also see images in the 'List View'. 

Accepted image file types .JPEG .JPG .PJPEG .PNG .X-PNG .GIF .BMP

This guide will cover:

  1. Tree View
  2. List View
  3. Image Uploads
  4. Single Image Upload
  5. Multiple Image Uploads
  6. CK Editor Image Upload

Tree View

The Tree View for Image Library is much more powerful than the List view (detailed below). Starting on the left you can see the Tree structure that the folders are organised into, it is even possible to nest folders, and have subfolders, as you can see in the screenshot. To add a new folder, simply hover over a cog, and click the folder button with a plus icon over it.

You are able to drag and drop multiple images into folders too, simply check the boxes, in the bottom right-hand corners of the images, once a number are selected you should then be able to drag and drop a number of images into the folder of your choosing.

In the main window there are a number of ways to sort the images for the current folder [Most Recent - Least Recent], [A - Z], and [Z - A] by file name. You can also use the search box in the top right to filter images by file name.

In the box below, it lists each of the images for the selected folder, along with a thumbnail, the name, and four buttons:

  1. Info - shows a small overlay on the image with its Title, Date/Time Uploaded and File Size.
  2. View - shows you a larger representation of the image, which gives you the ability to right click and copy the image URL.
  3. Edit - Edit allows you to replace the image with another, for example, to update it.
  4. Delete - presents a pop up asking if you are sure you wish to delete the image.

UnionCloud Tree view for image upload

List View

This view  shows you the 'Name' and a thumbnail 'Image' for any particular record, along within the third column, the View, Edit, and Delete buttons, along with the option to filter your results by searching for a name, using the Filter button on the top right.

Image Uploads 

As for uploading images, there are a number of ways this can be done, 'Single Image Upload', and 'Multiple Image Upload' which are accessed by their two buttons at the top of either the Tree.

Alternatively, there is the CK Editor Image Upload, accessed by clicking the Image button on the menu bar of the Text Editor anywhere it appears on the website.

Single Image Upload 

A simple image upload tool which allows you to upload individual images. 

Simply enter a Name for the image, click the choose file button, and browse for the file on your computer.

Multiple Image Upload 

This tool allows you to upload up to ten images at a time, by simply dragging and dropping them from your desktop into the dotted area as indicated. 

Unlike the other tool, it takes the image name from the file name. If you select the folder you want to drop the images into before you process the upload, it will save you having to move them afterwards.

If you need to search for your images instead of dragging them, you can simply still click the 'Choose Files' button.

Once done simply click 'Upload All' to upload the images.

'Reset' will forget the images you've dragged in so far, and 'Back' will take you back to the Library.

Any time you use the multiple images uploader, and you haven't remembered to select a folder before you press Upload, the images will be placed in the Root folder, and they can always be sorted at a later date.

CK Editor Image Upload 

This Image Upload tool is the easiest way to upload an image to an Article / Event / Webpage without leaving the editor.

Steps to upload an image:  

  1. Click the image button on the Menu Bar of the CK Editor, and an 'Image Properties' window will pop up.
  2. Choose the Upload tab along the top.
  3. Give the image a Name, and then Select the file from your computer and press upload. 
  4. After which if you return to the Image Info tab.
  5. Then click the browse server button to select the image to include in your content. 

Please bear in mind that using this method will mean that your images will not be organised properly in the backend.