Trigger Fast Track Emails:

NOTE: You can only send one fast track email a day so double-check that you have done everything correctly otherwise, you will need to wait until the following day to re-send the E-mail

The ‘trigger fast track E-mails’ screen allows you to send links to users prompting them to vote which bypasses the login credentials and takes them straight to the voting page. 

Updating the content of your fast track email

First, you need to update your election message you want to send out in Admin/setup/Messages and Emails/ configure Emails. If you select the first option under module where it states ‘Elections’ (fast track e-voting email) on the right-hand side, there is a settings cog. Once you select this you will see an option to edit which is the pencil icon.

Once you select 'edit' it will take you to the message tab for the fast track E-mail where you can then change and apply the relevant message you wish to send to the users. You can also preview this by clicking the green 'preview E-mail Template' button at the top left which then you can view the structure and appearance of the message. 

You don’t need to worry about the system field tags as this is used as part of the HTML to automatically generate the user’s details into the message.

Sending fast track emails

Trigger fast track email

To trigger a fast track email, go to Democracy > Evoting > Elections > Trigger Fast-Track Emails.

You need to select the elections which are listed below or search for an election using the search box under ‘name’ which is highlighted blue. You need to make sure you are selecting the right election for the message to be sent out to the users about the election you want them to cast their vote.

As you can see there are 3 options where you can select to bypass the login credentials with a link that takes you straight to the voting page.

1) Send to all unique users in the selected elections. The first option sends the email to all users selecting the elections you want them to cast their vote on

2) Send to all unique users in the selected elections, who don't already have a fast track link, or have already clicked on their fast track link. The second option is where the users have already been sent a fast track link and have clicked the link and not been able to cast their vote, this allows you to send another link as you cannot reuse the original link that has been sent.

3) Send to all unique users in the selected elections, where the user has not yet cast a vote. The third option is for users yet have not voted which will send them the fast track link prompting them to cast their vote.