Facebook Chat Bubble example

Facebook currently has a new website widget (in beta) which enables you to easily add a floating Facebook Chat bubble to your website. This can make it easier for your students to get in touch with you directly!

The setup is very simple, just follow the below steps:

Step 1: Setup 'Customer Chat Plugin' on your Facebook page

Go to your page on Facebook.com and click settings. Then navigate to 'Messaging' > 'Add Messenger to your website':

Step 2: Customise your plugin

Click 'Setup' and go through the steps. Here you change the colour of the bubble, the greeting message, the displayed response time and add the white listed domains. 

It is very important to make sure that you add your domain name here, and also your UAT site (test site). If you are unsure of your UAT site, submit a ticket and we can let you know. 

Step 3: Copy the code to your site

Hover over the code box in the setup, and click 'Copy code to clipboard'.

Then, log into your UnionCloud website as an administrator, and navigate to: Admin>Setup>CMS>SEO Configuration. 

Scroll down to 'Snippet Body Start' and paste in the code from the page before

And that's it!

If you have any problems setting this up, or if you don't have access to the CMS section in Admin>Setup, please send us a ticket and we will be able to help. 

Happy chatting!